Make your own bed time prayer:

Tonight M chose Sunday and Everyday for her bedtime story tonight. It's not really a bedtime story type of book, but she has wanted to read out of it for the past few nights and it really can't hurt for her to learn more about the church we attend. Tonight she opened up to a page that read, Make Your Own Bed Time Prayer and asked to read that "story."

It was a fill in the blank sort of deal. I wasn't sure how it was going to go, but you know, I figured what the heck? It can't hurt to have a sort of prayer at night. We say the traditional Catholic blessing before dinner... Anyway, here's how it went.

Today I am thankful for: Playing
Today I am sorry for: throwing fits
Tomorrow I hope: my pillows don't go away.

My daughter, the princess of randomness.

But really, I hope her pillows don't disappear tomorrow either. She has some awesome pillows. And the majority of the pillows in the house are in her room. If we lose those, we're talking about losing a lot of comfort!


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