Goal Planning Monday

Being a new blog and all, and seeing as "school" starts TOMORROW for me and my lovely preschooler - I thought I'd set a fair amount of goals for the week and link up with Mama Manuscripts to stay inspired to keep at it.

So here goes.

1. Find a good area for nature walks. Do two extended morning nature walks this week.
2. Read one scripture and one poem every day out loud to Miss M.
3. Be more aware as a parent.
4. Blog three times.
5. Photograph every day.
6. Stay encouraged and inspired as I start my "home schooling" with Marley. Really know that my ideal preschool and "society's" ideal preschool are not the same thing - thus I cannot be bothered by giving progress reports to people that expect something completely different out of PreK.

I've got my work cut out for me today as I've been sick/suffering from allergies all weekend and that has really put a damper on my research for her homeschool. Mostly, I don't want to feel like a failure in this. I want to do everything that I want to do. No excuses. Meeting goals has always been a hard thing for me. I'm too apathetic. Thus, I'm posting this. Trying to stay accountable.


  1. Welcome to homeschooling! It sounds like you have wonderful goals for you and your little one this week! I think we all feel a little fearful when we first start homeschooling but if you are loving your daughter and giving her lots of opportunities to learn and explore you are doing fine!

    I look forward to hearing how it goes.

  2. Sorry to hear you're suffering allergies. I do know the feeling! And I get what you're saying about preschool (or homeschool in general). We are Charlotte Mason homeschoolers and our lives look quite different from many other homeschoolers.

    Visiting via GPM!


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