So... last night after reading stories including the Little Golden Book, My Little Book About God, M looks up at me and says, "So... God is love."
I wanted to exclaim "HELLLL YESSSS!" but I managed to contain myself. "Absolutely right Punkin Head. God is love. When I love you and you love me, that's what God is. Where he is. And I do love you so much."
One week into Scripture study and she's already grasping things about God. And I realize that this child is capable of the most marvelous things if she is led on the right path. She has the capacity to understand difficult concepts if she is merely introduced to them. Somehow, I don't think she's a parrot. She enjoys sitting and listening to scripture. She enjoys Langston Hughes, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Edgar Guest and Jonathan Swift. And it completely and totally blows my mind.
I thought that homeschooling was going to be rough. That getting M to sit and listen to me read was going to be a challenge, but there is always some part of the day where she is more than willing to sit and listen to me read. And when that time comes, she doesn't exactly want it to end any time soon.
Now all I need to do is get rid of our pesky allergies so we can get outdoors! She wants so badly to go play outside, but after just a few minutes she's begging to go back in with a snotty nose and watery eyes.
Anyway - this blog is dealing a lot more with our scripture than I ever thought it would. I'm not an overly religious person so to me, getting excited about M's scripture learning is a strange sensation. I guess the good lord does work in mysterious ways.
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